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samedi 4 mai 2024

The dream

This dream of liberty and justice for all, of wealth or adventure and the pursuit of happiness, has attracted millions of immigrants into the New World. Therefore, immigration, the American dream, and the history of the American colonies are closely connected. But the dream hardly ever becomes reality overnight. The united states is a very demanding country, in which hard work, will-power, determination, optimism and competitiveness are the keys to success, and in which "losers" are often disapproved of, despite the theory that generosity and helpfulness are major American virtues. Nevertheless, millions of non-Americans still try to emigrate to the united states, hoping that they will earn their share of the American dream.

The term American Dream, used in widely different contexts from political speeches to Broadway musicals, eludes precise definition; J. T. Adams in The Epic of America (1931) expressed it as "the dream of a land in which life should be better, richer, and fuller for every man with opportunities for each according to his abilities and achievement." The American Dream is popularized in countless (innumerable) rags-to-riches stories and in the portrayal of the good life in advertising and on TV shows. It teaches Americans to believe that contentment can be reached through the virtues of thrift, hard work, family loyalty, and faith in the free enterprise system.
However, throughout America's history, reality has also taught her citizens, particularly minorities, that the American Dream is not open to all. Segregation and discrimination are effective tools which have barred minorities from equal opportunities in all spheres.


Wealth = richesse

Therefore = par conséquent, donc

the pursuit of happiness = quête du bonheur

Demanding = exigeant

subsequently = par la suite

Nevertheless = néanmoins

overnight = du jour au lendemain

Eludes definition: échappe à toute définition

will-power = la volonté

Thrift = économie / épargne

their share = leur part

Faith: la foi

effective tools = des outils efficaces

hardly ever = presque jamais

despite the theory = en dépit de… malgré…

Helpful = secourable, serviable => he always tries to be helpful = il essaie toujours de rendre service. => he was not being very helpful = il n'a pas fait grand-chose pour nous aider;

Poème gravé sur la Statue de la Liberté


Le Nouveau Colosse

Loin des rives grecques et de leur géant d'airain

Aux membres étendus de l'une à l'autre terre,

Les portes du couchant que vient laver la mer

Ont une femme, mère des exils, pour gardien.

La foudre, emprisonnée, loge dans sa main :

C'est une torche, un phare, dont la flamme éclaire

Des hautes cités jumelles le port jeté dans l'air.

Dans ces yeux brille la promesse d'un destin.

Ses lèvres silencieuses hurlent dans le vent :

“ Gardez, vieux pays, vos pompes, vos trésors !

A moi vos masses blotties ! L'air libre les attend !

Jetée par l'ouragan, elle arrive à bon port,

L'ordure misérable de vos rivages grouillants.

J'ai hissé mon fanal devant la porte d'or. ”

Emma Lazarus, 1886

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land,

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eye's command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door.".


Here is another possible translation of the lines in bold type:

Garde, Vieux Monde, tes fastes d'un autre âge,
Donne-moi tes pauvres, tes exténués,
Qui en rangs pressés aspirent à vivre libres,
Le rebut de tes rivages surpeuplés,
Envoie-les moi, les déshérités, que la tempête m'apporte
De ma lumière, j'éclaire la porte d'or !

"When one starts out poor, as most do in the race of life, free society is such that he knows he can better his condition... I am not ashamed to confess that twenty-five years ago I was hired as a laborer... I want every man to have the chance."
Abraham Lincoln March 6, 1860

"Remember, remember always that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionaries."
Franklin D. Roosevelt, before the Daughters of the American Revolution


The American road to success and happiness







Equality of chances in an open society with no social barriers, no caste or class system to stop you from succeeding.

Capitalism, free enterprise and laissez-faire constitute the economic framework (structure) of social mobility.

Poverty is not a fate. Each individual has a right to start his own business and work his way up.


Democracy, and the American Constitution are the guarantees of individual freedom.

Political institutions (the Senate / Congress / the Supreme Court) limit the power of the federal government and allow local and individual initiative.

Political traditions foster (encouragent) individual initiatives


Some human qualities are required:

  • will-power (volonté)
  • self-discipline
  • determination to succeed
  • optimism
  • entrepreneurial spirit
  • flair and inventiveness
  • ingenuity (ingéniosité)
  • know-how (savoir-faire)
  • competitive spirit.

The Puritan ethic of hard work, frugal living, saving (épargne) and pious faith.

Thus, capitalism and democracy have long been part of a progress-oriented society.


The self-made man

Be a king in your dreams, say to yourself: my place is at the top.” (Andrew Carnegie)


The phrase “mainstream America” defines the dominant ideas and customs shared by Americans in general and rooted (enracinées) in American history. This middle-class creed (credo) is also called the man-in-the-street ideology. It unites the nation culturally around a common American Dream of a better world for the common man and for mankind (humanité).

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