S'ouvrir à de nouveaux horizons


Ne laissez plus chez vous cette partie de vous-même qui constitue votre identité propre : faites du cinéma ! Epanouissez-vous dans un projet de film, développez vos compétences artistiques, aiguisez votre regard, venez à la rencontre de l'autre, développez votre esprit critique, améliorez votre maîtrise des outils du cinéma et de l'audiovisuel, et ouvrez-vous à l'international !

lundi 3 juin 2024

Les élèves de Terminale de l'option Cinéma-Audiovisuel 2012-2013 seront les premiers à passer le Bac européen Anglais/ Cinéma en France exception faite de la section de Munster (Académie de Strasbourg) qui se joint à nous pour cette épreuve et l'organisation des épreuves à venir.

La thématique pour les deux années à venir est la suivante :

L'enfance et l'adolescence dans le cinéma américain de 1945 à nos jours

La première séquence abordera les films suivants :

rebel-witout-cause west-side-story-logo affiche-american-graffiti affiche-outsiders


SEQUENCE 1:   The 50’s and the 60’s  "Socs and Greasers"






In this after war time, America knew a real economic increase and baby boom. But, paradoxically, at that time , worrying, disturbing articles about teenagehood could be read … Teenagers were well dressed, lived in very comfortable houses, but they suffered from a feeling of general discomfort, and ill-being. Why?

Rebel without a Cause, Nicholas Ray (1955).


Unfortunately, at that time, the economic growth didn’t concern everybody in the USA. Indeed, if you were a “soc” (from social), you had money, cars, a future, but if you were a “greaser”, you were an outsider. “Greaser” is a derogatory pejorative term for a Mexican : Broncho Billy and the Greaser (1914). Then, the People who got their names from the word "grease" were the ones who used olive oil to slick back their hair with. Who used to be the “greasers” in the 60’s and what were their dreams?

The Outsiders, Francis Ford Coppola (1983)

In the 50’s a baby was born every 7 seconds, the word “teenager” entered the American language. The “cruising” and rock and roll cultures were very popular among this post–World War II baby boom generation. What did all these deal with?

American Graffiti, Georges Lucas (1973)

There were gangs in New York in the 50’s. Who got involved in those gangs and why did Robert Wise choose to direct a musical film?

West Side Story, Robert Wise (1961)


AssessmentAnswer questions about extracts you have to comment.



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