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dimanche 19 mai 2024

“The Birds” Worksheets

The following documents can be opened with OpenOffice Writer, LibreOffice Writer or Microsoft Word.
Click on the titles of each chapter to download the corresponding worksheets.


01. General presentation of the film:

The cast. The credits list.
General review by Pauline Kael.
Some facts about Alfred Hitchcock.


02. Melanie meets Mitch in San Francisco:

As Melanie Daniels goes to a petshop to take delivery of a mynah bird, she meets Mitch Brenner, a lawyer who wants a couple of lovebirds for his younger sister Cathy’s birthday.


03. Melanie looks for Mitch in Bodega Bay:

Melanie goes to Mitch’s apartment flat in San Francisco, but Mitch is away for the weekend. So Melanie decides to drive north to Bodega Bay where Mitch goes every weekend.


04. The first attack:

A gull swoops down on Melanie as she rides back from the Brenners’ farm to the Bodega Bay dock.
Melanie bleeds but it’s nothing serious.


05. At the Tides restaurant:

Mitch takes care of Melanie’s cut and invites her to dinner.


06. First evening at the Brenners’:

Lydia phones Brinkmeyer because her chickens won’t eat their feed.


07. An evening at Annie's


08. Cathy’s birthday party

As the children are playing blind man’s buff, they are attacked by gulls.


09. Second evening at the Brenners’:

A flock of sparrows come down the chimney and attack the Brenners.
During that same evening, Dan Fawcett’s farm was attacked by gulls and Dan was killed by the birds in his bedroom. On the next day, Lydia discovers Dan’s body lying in a corner of his room, his face horribly disfigured, his eyes plucked out.


10. A widow’s loneliness and fear:

After the bird attack on the Fawcett farm, Lydia is so shocked that she frets about Kathy who is at the school. They have such big windows at the school. What if the birds attacked the school?


11. The bird attack on the school :

As the children rush out of the school building, an enormous flock of crows swoop down on them and viciously attack them.


12. Why did the birds attack? (1)


13. Why did the birds attack? (2)


Extra documents:

Bird words

 Bird words: Fichier audio mp3

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